With a lifelong career as Anthropologic and Social Worker, Ritxar is a proud father of 3, a man in transition and constant improvement, with a clear passion for beauty in general. He has written 2 books: ”Los nuevos Hombres Buenos: la masculinidad en la era de feminismo” y “El Poder de los Chicos”. He is an expert in gender equality, masculinities, feminism, equality politics, positive fatherhood, and development economics. He has worked in cooperation —in Croatia, Guatemala, México, and Cuba—, got involved in the raising of persons at social and politics risks. He combines experience as a social researcher, consultant, trainer and coach. Over the last years, he has led and impulsed different projects involving men in gender equality like Gizonduz of the Vasque Female Institute. He is a Senior Fellow Coordinator for Promundo Global in Spain.
Why is He a LightUpper?
Ritxar’s values and vision are totally aligned with LightUp’s. He also believes in a happy world where Equality does not only concern and involve Women but is of importance for Men too, and that the only way to reach it is together.